We are excited beyound belief! When my dad was a teenager in Chicago, he delivered supplies to the well known painter Ramon Shiva. Ramon as well as other great painters of the day talked to Jack for hours about the importance of top quality materials to a professional painter. It is something my dad has never forgotten!
In the 50's & 60's Shiva Oils were the top selling brand of oil in the U.S. Unfortunately over time, the different manufacturers who owned Shiva changed formulas much to the disappointment of Shiva's loyal Customers. With the Aquisition of Shiva Oils our company began to pour our heart and soul into bringing the quality up to the level of the Finest Professional Oil on the market but yet striving for a price all....whether a student or a professional could afford and find great value.
- If you are interested in testing these great new oils.....e-mail me at colleen@richesonart.com The first 50 people who e-mail will be sent a sample tube of this amazing oil. Once you try it, see the value, we are confident you will never want for anything else!